Financial strategylife insurancefinancial advisor for families | Charles Nunez, RICP©

Relationships are Fundamental

It’s a funny thing about advice.

Everyone seems to have an overabundance of knowing what others should do, and they have no problem telling you about it, especially when monetary gain is a motivating factor. However, there also seems to be an equal dearth of understanding about who such advice is given to. If you’re anything like me, I do not believe that advice for a “target market” is also solid advice for an individual whether they can be classified as a part of a specific target market or not.

financial advisor for families | Charles Nunez, RICP©Everyone is unique and different with regard to their financial lives.  They also make decisions about their finances. I feel that it is prudent to first understand my clients, their individual situations, and what motivates their decisions before offering advice of any kind.

This provides a framework within which to begin helping our clients answer the four toughest financial questions they will face.

1. What rate of return do you have to earn on your savings and investment dollars to be able to retire at your current standard of living and have your money last through your life expectancy?

2. How much do you need to save on a monthly or annual basis to be able to retire at your current standard of living and your money last till life expectancy?

3. Doing what you are currently doing, how long will you have to work to be able to retire and live your current lifestyle till life expectancy?

4. If you don’t do anything different than you are doing today, how much will you have to reduce your standard of living at retirement for your money to last to your life expectancy?

The answers to these questions can be discovered in our first ten minutes together, and they will give you an indication about where you find yourself currently with regard to securing y

our financial future.

My specialty is rooted in helping folks to improve their current financial position, preferably without impacting their current lifestyle, My clients can often solve the issues uncovered in the above four questions by focusing first on dollars they could be losing unknowingly and unnecessarily without taking on additional financial risk.

I begin with the seemingly outlandish premise that a solid relationship should be the foundational starting point.

Schedule your 10-minute appointment here.

Click on this 90-second video clip about your Personal Economic Model  – it’s fascinating!
If what you thought was true, turned out that it was not true, when would you want to find out?
10209 Charleston Corner Rd
Tampa, FL 33635
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